The RSI Protection Review

No matter what kind of insurance you have, annually reviewing your policy is crucial to truly having the correct amount of coverage. Sitting down with your Reed Street agent and comparing your ever-changing insurance needs with your current plan ensures that there are no gaps in your coverage.

 When speaking to your insurance agent, here are a few questions to keep in mind:

  • Does your homeowners coverage line up with how much it would cost to rebuild your home today?
  • Have you recently acquired any new items of value that you would want replaced if lost?
  • Are there any insurance policies that you could combine to save money?
  • Do you qualify for any discounts that you didn’t when you first created your insurance policy?
  • If your home was damaged by a sewage backup and/or flooding, would you want to depend on your insurance policy to cover it?

These questions and more should be addressed when determining any policy changes that need to be made. Have you reviewed your insurance policy recently? Contact a Reed Street Insurance agent today and schedule a protection review to ensure that there aren’t any gaps in your coverage.