Homes can require a significant amount of work to keep them in top shape. Sometimes this means something as simple as changing the air filters or replacing batteries in smoke detectors, but other times it means an HVAC check or making sure your plumbing is in good working order. Below is a guide for monthly Continue reading
Do you have the right amount of Condo Insurance?
Unlike homeowners, condo dwellers don’t own the building they live in or the land it sits on. Your condo or homeowners association (HOA) will carry a master policy to insure the building and pay for accidents that occur on outside property or in common areas. Your HOA might not pay to repair the inside of Continue reading

How to Prevent a Dryer Fire
Laundry is part of life’s weekly grind. But did you know that dryers cause roughly 15,500 home structure fires, 29 deaths, 400 injuries and $192 million in direct property loss each year? What’s more, most dryer fires happen in the winter. WHAT CAN CAUSE A DRYER FIRE? The most common cause of dryer fires is Continue reading
Newly Engaged…Are You Covered?
Getting engaged can be one of the most memorable times of a couple’s life. Having a burglar break into your home and steal the engagement ring, however, can be devastating. The good news is that with a little advance planning, your homeowners or renters insurance policy may help cover the cost of a stolen engagement ring or Continue reading
11 Tips for a Safe and Fun New Year’s Eve
As the new year approaches, there are plenty of ways to celebrate. You can watch the ball drop with your family, host a gathering with friends or even count down until midnight at a public party. But whether you’re ringing in the new year at home or spending a night out on the town, safety Continue reading
Why Your Life Insurance Should Be a New Year’s Resolution
We have reached the end of 2016, which means that many of us are already thinking of the potential that 2017 will hold and the resolutions we want to keep. Most New Year’s resolutions revolve around a common theme: the desire to take better care of our loved ones. We resolve to spend more time Continue reading
Confessions of a First-Time Renter: Stoves, Smoke Alarms and (Feelings of) Security
Beep! Beep! Beep! The shrill sound of my smoke alarm shook me out of my brief moment of confusion. Ten seconds earlier, I’d opened the door to my preheating oven and encountered a small cloud of smoke. So much for a quick dinner… Needless to say, the next few minutes were a frantic blur: windows Continue reading
Restaurants and Holiday Liabilities
If you own, manage, or otherwise work in a restaurant, then you’ve probably been bracing yourself for the holiday season for a while. You’re no stranger to the influx of customers, the holiday parties, special order requests, and staffing changes. Yet you know that every year brings a unique set of challenges. Regardless of whether Continue reading
Your Guide to Buying and Owning a Snow Blower
Sick of shoveling? When winter sweeps in with a mega storm that blankets your neighborhood, a snow blower can be a saving grace. While you still have to go outside, a snow blower spares you from the back-straining labor of shoveling snow. If you have a snow blower—or you’re thinking of investing in one—read on. You’ll Continue reading
What You Can Do to Make Your Holiday Travels Safe
We are quickly approaching the time of year that many of us spend traveling to see friends and family. Although some might opt to fly, many of us will be driving long-distance during the holidays. Getting ready for a road trip can be time consuming. You have to figure out where you’re staying, what to Continue reading